Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Teen Skin

I get asked all the time about teen skin and how to handle the flair ups. Teens are up against a few factors that cause these breakouts. Firstly, hormones will cause the skin to do some wacky things. Even moms in their thirties deal with these issues! In my opinion consistency and simplicity is the key in any long term skin care regimen. With that said, establishing good hygiene habits is also critical to great results. Teens are coming from a place of ease when hormones strike. They once could go weeks without washing their face only to wake on the eve of their thirteenth birthday with a raging pimple. What happened?? Hormones will increase the activity of the sebaceous gland and can cause overnight breakouts due to clogged pores. As parents, we need to encourage nightly washing from an early age. A mild cleanser that wicks away dirt is appropriate. As they get older have them use a cleanser with a mild acid such as glycolic or salicylic. Always avoid the eye area when using an acid in the cleanser. I try to avoid recommending toners because of the high alcohol content. These tend to dry the skin. The skin then registers that it's  too dry and starts to produce more oil. Hence a vicious cycle begins. Witch Hazel is a calming alternative toner if you feel the need to use one. If a blemish does occur use a low dosage of benzoyl peroxide. Use sparingly and only on the site of the blemish. No more then 3 days in a row. Benzoyl peroxide will dry the site but can also cause burns on the healthy skin tissue if used improperly. Also, be a proponent of sunscreen! A broad spectrum sunscreen that will protect and lightly moisturize the skin is key! Many formulation are non clogging and will assure protection for hours. If breakouts persist I always recommend visiting a dermatologist to talk about options. A word to the wise however, think long and hard before putting your child on strong medication such as Accutane. These types of drugs can have long terms, negative effects. In the meantime take advantage of your facialist to assist your child with monthly facials and education about proper use of products. Sometimes hearing information from a professional source can go a long way in improving the daily habits of your teen.

Keene Cosmetics-Smart Skin Care

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